I remember a few years back ebay was an excellent tool to sell or to auction an item; NOT anymore. Buyers expect products prices to be ridiculously cheap at the point that the seller won't make any profit or very little (not enough to spend that much time behind a computer marketing a product). Well this is my story, since i'm a new store ( and this ''internet online biz'' is so competitive) as a seller you gotta find ways to build your ''clientele'', Alas i decided to start selling and sometimes auction some of my products on Ebay (to be honest i didn't have any hope but to try is better than nothing) i've listed around 4 products i got more watchers (they usually turn out to be internet windows shoppers or folks expecting that no one bids on an item so they can get it way cheaper way below the price that is supposed to be). i listed this Dragon bracelet for auction i figure the worse that could happen is that only a person bids on it for the starting price ($.99 cents) and wins then i will lose money big time but is worth trying. well almost at the end of the 10th day period people started bidding on it, i was happy because at least i knew it wasn't gonna sell for .$99 cents, anyhow this woman keeps out bidding everyone so much that she ended up winning the auction, she didn't contact me for for two days to get me to send her an invoice, i finally sent her the invoice and again no answer from her, then her replied was that she couldn't afford the shipping charges ($10.35) so she wanted me to cancel. the honest truth is i wanted to PUNCH HER, i could have gotten her in trouble and she would have to pay for the item no matter what, an auction is a contract you can't back down. This woman not only didn't think about the fact she was from Europe and sorry honey shipping is not 3 dollars (when i ship overseas) but out bid every single person from AMERICA interested on buying my item, ruined my sale and then had the balls to ask me to cancel and the only reason why i didn't report her and make her either lose her account or pay for the item was because i have so many things going on that i didn't want any other issue that causes my anger to unveil.Next time will be a different story Though, people need to know that (and you can go ahead and read ebay rules) an aution is a contract once you bid on a item and if you win you have to buy it, Second why on earth if you are from a different country you bid on an item knowingly that the shipping is gonna be a bit more, Don't be such a MORON just contact that buyer and ASK, don't mess around with other peoples job/way to make a living. if she wouldn't have done that chances are i would have sold the bracelet and make some money. I work hard, trust me i do. This self ''whoring'' of my business is not EASY.
Second Rant, People needs to start buying more for smaller business like mine, there's plenty out of there. I get frustrated when i sell a ready to wear corset for $45.00 dollars and some other ''goth'' stores sell exactly the same crap for over a $100 and people still buying it from them. now not only many of these ''stores'' (not all of them) sell these items super over-priced but they DON'T own the product, Customer is dealing with 2 different business at the same time without having any knowledge of it. these companies use these internet models to attract clients and then sell you an over-priced corset, you pay over $100 (they usually tell you is free shipping everywhere in the world which seems crazy) here is the catch with that price is included a very high shipping charge from $20 up to $30 dollars, then some other company mail you your product and these ''companies'' that claim to sell these items are only a ''middle man'', they are laughing all the way to the bank without even owning the merchandise. and that (in my opinion) is a problem. i would be extremenly angry if i was buying products from these dropshipping companies, and way back i had the ''pleassure'' (insert sarcasm here) to once buy stuff from some goth company in america (by then there wasn't so many online goth shops around 14 years ago) and the mistakes that their dropshipper did, affected his/hers business with me and many other clients (i got to know horror stories about them). my point? Yes call me butt hurt but why on earth does people keep buying from people that only a middle sale guy dressed as the owner of the merchandise? or why does people spend so much on items that can get way cheaper from stores like mine? why does people pay so much for stuff aren't worthy (like girls poking holes and ripping shirts off for over $20)? I DO own all my products, you can safely buy something from me, that i will ship to you and if there's any issue with a size or a color you will be dealing with me directly. another thing is because i own all my merchandise i can guarantee you that one you will get the right size, color and the item is gonna be free of imperfections since i make sure that all my inventory is perfect to the T. plus i'm approchable, you can talk to me directly if there's any issue or concern.
I won't mention names of these companies/people since i don't want any kind of issue/problems with anyone, but trust me when i tell you there is many companies doing this ; over priced items or being the middle guy(that's their real business) and still over priced . Please Folks deal with stores like mine, you can tell very easily and you can see the difference (a big one) and as for ''Ebayers'' please friends don't commit to buy if you can't afford it nor have any information about shipping because in your own selfishnes you are not realizing that you just destroyed the chance of a seller of making money and the chance from other buyers wanting and willing to pay for the product.
Thanks for reading me, i had to vent.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving and Updates
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone reading this blog!!
Also Here are the new Pretty Spooky Label items:
The short Jacket/Shrug is size Small, studded, Hand-painted, if you want more information about the fabric that i used to make it, Check out my web-site This Friday www.myprettyspooky.com. super affordable only $45.00 (plus shipping/handling) ONLY because we are close Xmas time , you can also buy it through my Etsy store.
Finishing Hello Kittie Corset, that's gonna be up for sale soon, as well more jackets and New Handmade Jewelry:
Prices range From $25.99 to $21.99, usually the ones that Cost $ 21.99 Don't come with Crystal beads/ SWAROVSKI cubes crystals, but only during the holidays (and if the customer wants) i will add a pair of Crystal beads to the chain of the desired piece:
This is a super awesome one, Ouija board Pendant! Up for sale Starting Friday!!
Now a List of all the Items that will be up for sale tomorrow or coming up Third week of november (these are NOT Pretty Spooky label; other companies):
Keep an eye on, theres more and More soon
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
FB fan page Home for ''Windows Shoppers?
How can you Build a Fan Page With more serious Buyers as ''fans'' than ''windows Shoppers?
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